bindweedSometimes it would be nice to have a plant tell you, quite clearly, what is troubling it. Unfortunately, plants don’t speak English but they frequently use a botanical sign language. Be careful though, their sign language is tricky! A wilted plant may be dry or it may have too much water. If the plants could speak for themselves, here’s some things they would like to tell you.

    • As you might have guessed from the topic of this newsletter, the plants have indicated they need to be deadheaded and/or cut back.
    • Weeds are laughing and growing strong in this hot weather. Don’t let them get out of control. If you choose to use herbicide, such as Round-up, spray it in the early morning when there is no wind. Be especially diligent about removing weed flowers – when the seeds spread they exacerbate the weed problem.
    • Shrubs and trees are growing strong; they are energized by our lovely Colorado sunshine.
    • Turf grass which is the typical Kentucky Blue Grass is resting and will continue resting until the temperatures come down. The good news is you shouldn’t need to mow as often.
    • Zucchini and some other garden vegetables sometimes produce more than your family can eat. Rather than trying to sneak it onto your neighbor’s porch, consider donating to the Larimer County Food Bank. Information on how to donate garden produce can be found here.

Are your plants trying to say something but you don’t understand them? Perhaps I can interpret!  Send me an email, call or text me at (970)988-3808 to chat about your plants.
