Garden Self-Evaluation: April

β™₯Love this!β™₯

False Forget-me-nots (Brunnera macrophylla) are hard to forget. I love the blue flowers right now, and the variegated foliage looks great in the shade of our Honey Locust tree all summer. I prefer Brunnera rather thanΒ Hostas because they don’t attract slugs and recover faster after a hail storm.

πŸ˜€Growing Up!πŸ˜€

I put the grow-through stake over my Peony plant yesterday before the snow. The stalks are topped with a dome of snow now, but I don’t expect it will damage the plant (unless it gets a lot colder or we get a lot more snow). Peonies grow so fast in the spring time, I feel like I can literally watch them grow.

πŸ’€Rest in PeaceπŸ’€

I know many people lost much bigger trees than this in the wind storm on April 5th. Nevertheless, I was sorry to see our 20-foot tall Skyrocket Juniper tilted over with the roots pulled up out of the ground. Fortunately (and oddly), my neighbor’s Columnar Junipers are fine, so we still have a nice screen between our homes.

Buzzword: Low Maintenance
Buzzword: Soil Amendment