Garden Self-evaluation: November

Dwarf Spruce

Love this!

Conifers, commonly called evergreens, provide an anchor and year-round color in the landscape. My Dwarf Globe Blue Spruce has decided not to be a “globe” and has sent up a central leader. (To be honest, I’ve never pruned it.) I like it! It has a nice shape and looks so pretty with Christmas lights. I planted this one probably 15 years ago and it is just 5 feet tall. Dwarf conifers grow so slowly they fit in any size landscape. 

autumn leaves

😕Not Excited😕

I really don’t love raking leaves. I find the job dusty and boring. I have to constantly remind myself that perfection isn’t required and that it is much nicer to remove some of the leaves now than it will be in the spring when they are all wet and mushy.

My battery powered leaf blower makes the job much easier! Have you heard that Colorado is outlawing small gas-powered engines? This legislation is meant to help combat air pollution and is set to take effect in 2025; however, it does NOT apply to residential use. The law applies to state and pubic property only. Regardless, my battery powered blower is lighter, quieter, easier to use, and less maintenance. When we have only a dusting of snow, I use it to clear the driveway, too.

Succulent garden bowl

Love this!

It shouldn’t be a big surprise to hear I have some houseplants. Actually, I have lots of houseplants! Succulent gardens are very trendy and the pre-assembled bowl gardens make great gifts. Unfortunately, there’s a myth that succulents “never need water.” They do need water – just not as much as other plants. Succulents also do best in high light, preferably a south or west facing window.

Inevitably, there’s always one plant in the dish that goes wild (like the one on the right side of this bowl). When I decide it’s just too wild, I’ll pull it out and replace it with a plug from one of the local nurseries. 

My houseplant collection keeps me happy through the winter!

Tips for Healthier Trees