Garden Self-evaluation: October

burning bush

Love this!

I absolutely love the fall colors, especially Autumn Purple Ash and Red Maples. I also love the colors of the shrubs. I have these Euonymus alatus, aptly called Burning Bush for the bright red color they turn in the fall. This shrub does best in full sun. It is tolerant of pruning or sheering so if you need to grow it in a tight space, just keep cutting it back each spring.

Considering adding some shrubs to your yard for fall color? There’s a good list on this blog post.

😀Mixed Feelings😕

Personally, I don’t think Coneflower (Echinacea) is pretty after the flowers are spent. However, they provide food for birds in the winter and nesting space for native bees. (Scroll down to learn more about providing for pollinators!)

I love the plant on the left, Balloon Flower (Playcodon grandiflorus). In July it has tall stems covered with blue-purple flowers. In autumn, the remaining foliage provides more fall color in my garden. 

😢So Sad😢

I’m enjoying my annual flowers for as long as I possibly can, but I know the frost is coming. Honest, I took this picture yesterday – October 17th. The flowers have enjoyed a nice long season and I’ve loved them and will be so sad when they succumb to cold. After the frost comes, I will clean out the containers, composting the plant material. I’ll remove as much of the root material as I can and save about 1/2 to 1/3 of the soil to reuse next year.

Wondering what yard work you should do before and after the frost comes? There’s a good list on this blog post. 

Tips for Healthier Trees
Buzzword: Pollinator Friendly