♥Love this!♥
My Hyssop (Agastache cana) has already been blooming for a couple of weeks and is still going strong. I love it because it feeds the bees and butterflies and hummingbirds, too. I believe this plant is the straight species, not a named cultivar. It’s a little floppy, but for scale, it is only about 24″ tall. Agastache reminds me of my youth – it smells like Bubble Yum brand bubble gum.

😀Growing Up!😀
Another fall blooming favorite of mine is Autumn Joy Stonecrop (Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’) . The ones in my garden still have very pale pink flower heads. In time, they will mature to a deep bronze color. I love how they change color! These are in a pretty shady location, which delays their growth. I’m hopeful they will mature to the deeper color before we get a hard freeze.

Fall Mums are the quintessential autumn blooms — or are they? I hate to confess how many times I’ve planted Mums (Chrysanthemum varieties) only to be disappointed the following year. I know that in the nurseries the Mums are treated with plant growth regulators and pinched routinely in order to get that ball shape covered with flowers. I’m not expecting my garden plants to live up to that standard, but I would like them to live for more than one year and produce more than just a tiny scruff of flowers. For scale, this plant is only about 5 inches tall. I’m not planting any more Mums (I’d rather have Hyssop), but if you do want to try for yourself, be sure to get them in the soil by the end of September to give them a chance at all.
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